
Junk Drawer Magazine Submissions Guidelines

The current prompts open to submission are located on the back page of the most recent Junk Drawer issue. Contributors do not need to submit work for all three prompts to be considered. Please note that upon acceptance, each contributor will be asked to send a self-portrait and bio.

Submission Periods:

Summer Issue: Dec 1 - May 1
Winter Issue: June 1 - Nov 1

Visual Art

Submit only one piece of art per prompt per issue. Please email artwork as a .jpg or .png file. Indicate prompt and artist name in each filename.


Submit only one written piece per prompt per issue. Max of 2,000 words per piece. Junk Drawer accepts literary fiction and non-fiction poetry and prose. Please attach pieces as .doc or .docx files. Indicate prompt and artist name in each filename.


Junk Drawer is mainly a visual art and literature magazine but is open to multimedia art. If you have any songs, videos, etc. that you’d like to enter for a prompt, we’re happy to take a look! Submit only one piece per prompt per issue. Send media with prompt and artist name in each filename.

Send all submissions to junkdrawermagazine@gmail.com